Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

makalah pengetian hadist marfu', maqthu', dan mauquf

                As we know that in ‘Ulumul Hadits there were kinds of hadits’s   division.  First is division of hadits based on the quantity of the narrators, second is division of hadits based on the strength, third is division of hadits based on the transmission, forth is division hadits based on the حجته, and the fifth is division hadits based on the source of hadits. We have to know one by one the point of the hadits’s division. In this paper will explain about the hadits’s division based on the transmission, it is Hadits Marfû’, Hadits Mawqûf, and Hadits Maqthû’.
Hadits’s division based on the transmission
*       Hadits Marfû’
a.       Definition of Hadits Marfû’
Etymologically is which are taken away.[1]
Terminologically is all of speeches, behaviors and decisions were related to Prophet Muhammad SAW.
      This hadist was called Marfû’, because of this hadits has high level as cause was related by Prophet                                                                Muhammad SAW, with use connect transmission (muttashil ) or not.[2]
b.      The kinds of Hadits Marfû’
*      Marfû’ Tashrihi , hadits are known connected clearly by Prophet SAW, about all of speeches, behaviors, or decisions.[3]
Marfû’ Tashrihi has divided become three parts :
a.      Marfû Qauliy Haqiqi
b.      Marfû’ Fi’li Haqiqi
c.       Marfû’Taqririyah Haqiqi
For example  Marfû Qauliy Haqiqi:
Hadits Marf û’ about his  speech (Marfû Qauliy Haqiqi): what Prophet’s said clearly.
عن ابن عمر رضى الله عنه قال: إنّ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلّم قال: صلاة الجماعة أفضل من صلاة الفذّ بسبع و عشرين درجة( رواه البخاري و مسلم)
Warta dari Ibn Umar r a, bahwa Rasulullah saw pernah bersabda : Shalat jama’ah itu lebih afdhal dua puluh tujuh tingkat dari pada shalat sendirian.( HR Bukhari dan Muslim)
For example Marfû’ Fi’li Haqiqi :
Hadits Marf û’ about his behaviors (Marfû’ Fi’li Haqiqi): this companion’s news explains clearly about Prophet’s behaviors.
عن عائشة رضى الله عنها انّ رسولالله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم كان يدعوا فى الصلاة, ويقول: (اللّهمّ إنّى أعوذبك من المأثم و المغرم) (رواه البخارى)
“Warta dari ‘Aisyah r.a. bahwa rasulullah saw mendo’a di waktu sembahyang, ujarnya: Ya Tuhan, aku berlindung kepada Mu dari dosa dan hutang.(HR Bukhari)
For example Marfû’Taqririyah Haqiqi :
 Hadits Marfû’ about his decisions (Marfû’Taqririyah Haqiqi): companion’s behaviors in front of Prophet without get positive or negative reaction from him. As Ibnu Abbas r.a’s admit:
كنّا نصلّ ركعتين بعد غروب الشمس و كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يرانا ولم يأمرنا ولم ينهنا
“Konon kami bersembahyang dua rakaat setelah matahari tenggelam, Rasulullah saw mengetahui perbuatan kami, namun beliau tidak memerintahkan dan tidak pula mencegah.”[4]
*      Marf û’ Hukmi, hadits that said by companion but actually connect by Prophet.[5]
Marf û’ Hukmi  has divided three parts :
a Marfû’Qauly Hukmi
b Marf û’ Fi’li Hukmi
c Marfû’ Taqririyah Hukmy
            For example :
Hadits Marfû’ about his speech (Marfû’Qauly Hukmi): Marfû’ that unclear this companion’s transmission toward Prophet’s speeches, but by the other mediator, that what the transmission came from Prophet. As companion’s news which use word:
أمرنا بكذا ……. نهينا عن كذا
“Aku diperintah begini…., aku dicegah begitu……”
أمر بلال ان ينتفع الأذن و يوتر الإقامة ( متفق عليه )
“Bilal r.a. diperintah menggenapknan adzan dan mengganjilkan iqamah. (HR Muttafaqun ‘Alaih).
Hadits Marfû’ about his behaviors (Marf û’ Fi’li Hukmi): companion’s behavior was done in front of Prophet or when Prophet still lives.
قال جابر: كنّا نأكل لحوم الخيل على عهدى رسول الله (رواه النسائى)
“Jabir r.a. berkata : Konon kami makan daging Kuda diwaktu Rasulullah saw masih hidup” (HR Nasai)
Hadits Marfû’ about his decisions (Marfû’ Taqririyah Hukmy): companion’s news is followed with words sunnatu Abi Qasim, Sunnatu Nabiyyina atau minas Sunnati.
Conversation Amru Ibnu ‘Ash r.a with Ummul Walad:
لا تلبسوا علين سنّة نبيّنا (رواه ابو داود)
“Jangan kau campur-adukkan pada kami sunnah nabi kami.” (HR. Abu Dawud)
This speeches is Prophet’s sunnah, but if who give information with words minas Sunnati or the other which equal is tabi’in, so this hadits is not Marfû’ but Mawqûf .[6]
c.       Hadist are claimed Marfû’
1. If in give information, is followed with this word as: Yarfa’ahu, Marfu’an, Riwayatan, Yarwihi, Yannihi, Ya’tsuruhu/yablughu bihi.
2.Companion’s interpretation which relate with asbabun nuzul.
 3. Something was come from companion what not result Ijtihad. [7]
d.      Hujjah of Marfû’
Hadits Marfû’ which shahih could became hujjah, if Hadits Marfû’ which dha’if may could became hujjah only to explain fadha’ilil ‘amal.[8]
*      Hadits Mawqûf
a.       Definition of Hadits Mawqûf
     Etymologically waqaf is stop.[9]
        Terminologically is Hadits are connected by companion, about speeches or behaviors, connect (muttashil) or not (munqathi).[10]
b.      Sample Mawqûf
قال علي بن ٵبي طالب رضي الله عنه :حد ثواالنا سبما يعرفون ,ٵتريدون ٵن يكذب الله و رسوله؟ (رواهالبخاري)
Ali bin Ali Thalib berkata: Berbicaralah kepada manusia sesuai dengan apa yang mereka ketahui, Apakah engkau menghendaki Allah dan rasul-Nya didustakan? (HR. Al-Bukhari).
c.       Hadits Mawqûf is claimed Marf û’ if:
§  If narrator use         يرفعه,                      ينميه,                        ,يبلغ به النبي                   ,رواية
§  The companion’s speech; ٵمرنا بكذا      , نهينا عن كذ ا   , من السنة كذا 
§  Companion give information,   there were two possibilities of law:
                                                                                 i.            If be based on Prophet Era according shahih opinion is Marf û’.
                                                                               ii.            If not based on Prophet Era is Mawqûf.
§  Content of the hadist about interpretation of shahabat to asbab an nuzul of Alqur’an verses.
§  Content of hadist is an explanation from companion. But, this explanation is not result of Ijtihad or opinion by companion’s privacy.[11]
d.      Hujjah of Mawqûf
The Scholars are debatable about Hadits Mawqûf using as hujjah. According scholar of Syafi’iyah in al-jadid, if companion’s speeches are unpopular in society so this speeches are not Ijma’ and can’t became hujjah too.
Whatever this level is not received as hujjah for Islamic law, because that receivable as hujjah is only Al-Qur’an and Hadits of Prophet SAW, but hadits that support by companion. In principal, Hadits Mawqûf   can’t make hujjah, except there were qarinah that can be Marfû’.[12]
*      Hadits Maqthû
a.       Definition
Etymologically from قطع, its mean broke.[13]
                                Terminologically is speeches or behaviors were related for Tabi’in, about sanad is continuing or not.[14]
b.      Sample
لا ينال العلم مستحي ولا متكبر
“ Orang pemalu dan orang sombong tidak akan mendapat ilmu”.[15]
c.       Hujjah of Maqthû
Hadits Maqthû can’t be hujah in syara’ law although this hadits shahih, because is not came from Prophet. It is only part speeches or behaviors or one of Islam servant.  But, if there were strong proves that allow Marf û’, its Marf û’.[16]
©       Hadits based on the transmission divided to three kinds. First is Marf û’, second is Mawqûf, and third is Maqthû.
©        Hadits Mawqûf can form hadits shahih, hasan and dha’if based on connect or not the transmission.
©       Hadits Mawqûf include hadits dha’if if there are qarinah from other companion, so this level became  shahih or hasan.
©       Hadits Maqthû can’t became hujjah
*    Alawi Al-Maliki, Muhammad. Ilmu Ushul Hadis. Terj.Drs H.Adnan Qohar,SH.Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar.Cet.1.2006
*   Majid Khon, Abdul. Ulumul Hadits.Jakarta:AMZAH.Cet.2.2009
*   Ridwan202.wordpress.com

                [1] Dr. H. Abdul Majid Khon, M.Ag. ‘Ulumul Hadis. Page: 222
                [2] Dr. Muhammad Alwi Al-Maliki. Ilmu Ushul Hadis.terj:Drs.H.Adnan Qohar,SH. Page:67
                [3] Ibid .68.
                [4] Ridwan202.wordpress.com
                [5] Dr. H. Abdul Majid Khon, M.Ag. Op.Cit.225
                [6] Op.Cit
                [7] Ibid
                [8] Ibid
                [9] Dr. H. Abdul Majid Khon, M.Ag, Op.Cit., 226.
                [10] Dr. Muhammad Alwi Al-Maliki. Op.Cit.73
                [11] Dr. H. Abdul Majid Khon, M.Ag, Op.Cit.,228
                [12] Ridwan202.wordpress.com. Op.Cit
                [13] Ibid. 231
                [14] Dr. Muhammad Alwi Al-Maliki. Op.Cit.71
                [15] Ibid.72
                [16] Dr. H. Abdul Majid Khon, M.Ag, Op.Cit.232

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